Well, I’m tired and bruised but very happy and the Fly-In went off without a hitch. That’s right I said without a hitch. I’m not sure how I got that lucky but I'll take it. I want to thank all the attendees for putting your faith in us. Given this was our first event, we can’t tell you how much we appreciate your patronage, attendance, and dedication to our company. We’d also like to thank the vendors and teachers for all of their time and hard work. In my opinion, the hotel was lovely (nice amenities, great rooms, and fabulous food), the teachers were spot on with their classes, and the vendors brought a wonderful selection of products for your shopping pleasure. I feel very lucky to have such a supportive and helpful staff as well; thank you for making this run so smoothly, you are all indispensable. I feel that this was a wonderful experience and hope you all agree. I will be sending surveys in the next week so that I can get your feedback for the next time we do this. Hopefully, I'll be seeing you all sooner rather than later back here in Lexington.
On another note, we will be putting the shop on vacation today for the next 2 weeks so we can recuperate and reorganize following the retreat. But, all of our small orders should still be going out this week, at least that is the goal.
Thanks again, all our love, Becca & Dave.