July 19th-20th - Super Summer Knitogether 2024 (SSK)
in Nashville Tennessee
Daedalus is Nashville bound and super excited! We love the Knit Girllls and delighted to be back a the Super Summer Knitogether (SSK) on Friday and Saturday July 19th & 20th. Dave and Becca will be hanging out in the tasting room for a bit Friday night July 19th (7:30 pm - 8:30 pm) and then vending Saturday July 20th for the retreat attendees from 8 am - 12 pm and for the public from 1 pm - 4 pm with a $5 admission fee. We will have wheels and winders galore come and see us at the Scarritt Bennett center in Nashville.
Happy spinning and happy summer everyone!

Vending Hours
The Marketplace will be open on Saturday July 20th.
9 am - 12 pm for full retreat attendees
1 pm - 4 pm for the public (there is a $5 entry fee for the public)
What's in Store?
We are planning to have the following available for sale. Please note that we are still preparing so this list may change.
Magpie V2 Bodies - $950
Magpie V2 Standard Flyer Kits - $540
Magpie V2 Art Flyer Kits - $560
Martins - $775
Sparrows - $500
3 Pack of Sparrow Bobbins - $90
Starling V3FPs - $950
Starling V3/V3FP Lace Flyer Kits - $440
3 Pack of Starling Lace Bobbins - $90
Extension Cables (3 and 6 ft) - $23-25
Speed Controllers - $125
Batteries - $125
Roly-Poly - $690
Whirligig - $550
4oz Fiber Braids w/Silk - $30
4oz Fiber Braids w/o Silk - $24
Batts - $40
After SSK
After Convergence and SSK we will have a Post Festival Shop Update. Stay tuned for more information about what will be in store for this shop update.
Wishing everyone going to Convergence and SSK an absolutely brilliant time!
Happy Spinning!
- Evanita