Our Migrating Sparrows have been quite busy! We only have one more pit stop left and then Tweety and Sojourner will be heading back home for a check up and to research their next migration path. The next leg of the journey will have Sojourner migrating within the States and Tweety will be flying down to New Zealand!
Tweety had a nice little meet up with Kermit the Magpie and Sona the Sparrow at Stilly River Yarns while visiting with Nancy.
While they didn't get to go on many outings together Nancy and Tweety were quite productive! Nancy mentioned that this is he most she's spun up so quickly. In the time Tweety was there they spun up a 4oz braid of mystery wool into a 2ply DK, a 4oz braid of merino/bamboo/nylon into a 3ply Sport, a little chain ply SW Merino mini skein, and .5oz on the community bobbin.
We'd like to hope that Tweety and Sojourner are always on their best behavior during their travels but sometimes these birds get a wild feather. According to Esther, Tweety spent some time behind bars while in Idaho! We are sure it was just a misunderstanding! Tweety - the traveling Sparrow, journeyed along the Oregon Trail in Idaho. Stopped at Beaver’s Dick Ferry (seriously) & Idaho City. After having a little too much fun at the Blacksmith’s shop, Tweety was arrested & transported via Conestoga wagon to the Pest House Jail. We bailed out the jail bird … but shame on you Tweety !
Tweety and Sojourner have one more stop on their migration path before they'll be flying back to Daedalus. We cannot wait to see the journals so we can hear more about how their journeys have been.
Wishing you all Happy Spinning and Bird Watching!
- Evanita
Migration Schedule
The following is an estimated schedule. We have built in time for shipping however as with any adventure there's always a bit of uncertainty. Updates about Tweety and Sojourner's travels will be shared on our Instagram and Facebook page/group.
Tweety's Itinerary
Valerie S - Washington - Jan 6-23
Sojourner's Itinerary
Sophie L - UK - Jan 6-23
Follow the Migration!
To keep tabs on the adventures of these two Sparrows follow us on DaedalusSpinningWheels on Instagram, Daedalus Spinning Wheels on Facebook, as well as our Migration Blog here on Spotted Ewe Fibers. All spinners participating on this program are encouraged to use the following hashtags on social media. #DaedalusSparrowMigrationProgram