Hello World!
I feel like I’ve been in hiding - but we’ve been busy building stock for our festivals, Ply Away and Maryland Sheep and Wool. Very soon we will be back to building for the waiting lists and we cannot thank you all enough for your patience.
I haven’t built any Magpie’s for some time now, because I decided to update the design and make it the absolute best production spinning wheel on the market. So I bring to you, Magpie V2!
Still the same chassis and bobbin sizes, but the power system has been upgraded to a dual-motor system that provides about 20% more torque at all speeds, and an increased top speed of approximately 2600 revolutions per minute (RPM) on the Standard flyer.
And speaking of the Standard flyer, it got a complete makeover. Utilizing a circular design akin to Falcon but on a larger scale, the new flyer design is even quieter in the air. And it has an aluminum whorl so that Kevlar tension belting can be used in Irish as well as Scotch (Magpie V2 will come with 1.5mm Kevlar as standard now).
The Art flyer will make good use of that extra available torque, as well as a bump up in speed (although that’s not Art’s type of thing). It received an aluminum whorl as well as the standard flyer. Both flyers still use the same size bobbins from before, but the V2 bobbins have a cleaner aerodynamic pattern to better suit the high speed work that a serious production wheel is meant to do.
Price? I have avoided raising prices for the longest time, in spite of a myriad of increased costs. In the past two years, we have seen a 25% increase in tariffs on our most expensive components. Then shipping costs doubled. Now electronics are shooting up like fireworks depending on which chip they use. So long story short, Magpie V2 will increase in price slightly. The chassis has gone up $50 because of the extra motor, and each flyer/bobbin set has gone up another $50. Also, we have had to raise the prices of some of the other wheels to help offset our rising costs, around 10% more or less. So prices are as follows:
Magpie V2, complete chassis with controller minus flyer/bobbins
Magpie V2 Standard flyer with 3 bobbins
Magpie V2 Art flyer with 3 bobbins
Sparrow with 3 bobbins (no controller)
Falcon with 3 bobbins (no controller)
Starling V3FP Flat Pack (no controller)
$850 (no change)
Controller, digital with programmable soft start and soft stop
Daedalus 147kwh lithium battery bank with adjustable output voltages
Thank you all for being with us this long and supporting us. We cannot thank you enough.
- Dave